Well. Fuck those guys, I’m never using them for anything ever again.
Well. Fuck those guys, I’m never using them for anything ever again.
Nobody said lithium mining isn’t environmentally damaging. The question here is whether it’s more so than fossil fuels. Are you contending lithium mining is more destructive than climate change? Because I think you’re going to have an uphill battle if you are. And if you’re not contending that, your sources are irrelevant.
The later games improved on aspects of the first, but not a one of the later games nailed the geographical consistency and interconnectedness of the first game’s world design. For a certain kind of playthrough, the world design itself is a puzzle. Being able to run from Firelink all the way to Darkroot, or with a few creative jumps down to the Lower Burg, without having to follow the “intended” path felt like absolute magic.
Because Israel have been violating the ceasefire, and escalating attacks, every day since it started. If Israel won’t abide by the terms of the ceasefire, there’s no ceasefire.
deleted by creator
I believe her. It doesn’t change my extremely negative opinion of her, her positions, or her actions by even a single iota; but I believe her. Until proven otherwise.
FATAL HARDWARE ERROR: PROCESSOR CORE is generally not a transient error. Good for you that your old CPU is still going strong, but anecdata does not an argument make. This was my work machine and I can’t risk it going down.
Cool project, bookmarked - thanks for sharing!
Get mad, stay mad, and fight back. We’re not even halfway through February yet; our representatives are already drafting legislation, which is really bloody fast for a legal body. Let your rep know they have your support in this, to keep the fire in them - they need us just as much as we need them right now, maybe more.
Whatever you can do to resist is enough. DO NOT GIVE UP. This isn’t over yet, not by a long shot.
To save you a click:
H.R.1161 - To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as “Red, White, and Blueland”.
From the desk of the insoluble Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (from the land of ragweed and humidity and hating pedestrians, Georgia), may God shit forever on his dumbass inbred face 🙄
Hell yeah, talk about collective action! I’m sure the reports from this thread weren’t the only ones, and it was probably already under review, but every pebble counts in a landslide. Thanks for letting all of us know 😊
Nice, thanks for you contribution! 🙌
edit edit: apparently they took it down because they were concerned he wouldn’t ship, not because they enforce their own guidelines. I’d say “suck a dick, Shopify” but that would give blowjobs a bad name
Edit: The store is gone, good work everyone!
Whaaaaaaaaat the fuck. That is a Shopify store, and their terms of service explicitly state
You can’t breach the social contract of commerce.
There are activities we don’t allow on the platform because they breach the social contract of commerce. This means you can’t call for, or threaten, violence against specific people or groups. And you can’t sell products that facilitate intentional self-harm.
~~Pretty sure this shirt calls for violence against Jewish people. Anyone who cares to join me in reporting it can do so here: https://www.shopify.com/legal/tools/report-an-issue/report-a-merchant~~
Gotcha, never buying a vehicle badged:
In addition to never buying Tesla or Ford.
I swear, if I have to build my own open-source car and get it certified for road use out of pocket, I fucking well will.
Since his inauguration, President Donald Trump has signed a series of executive orders that respect biological reality in areas from medicine to sports to intimate spaces, and protect the right to speak about the harms of gender ideology
That was as far as I needed to read to know that the author doesn’t deserve credence in this or anything else. I bet if pressed in court this “Professor of Psychology” would deny ever claiming to be an educator. “No, I mean I profess to know about psychology, not that I have a degree in it!”
An absolute and unmitigated wanker.
Get this bigoted science-illiterate op-ed bullshit the fuck outta here, and keep it the fuck out.
Crime is not “free speech”. Attempting to take part in a coup is not “free speech”. Guilty verdict, life in prison. Next!
I think
More voices make a difference, lend us yours!
Help spread the word, if you can!
Might read better, and they’re still short enough to post quickly.
When I’m home, I’ll look into creating an account or two securely and joining in. I’m already telling everyone I know about Lemmy in meatspace, it’s remarkable how even my technically-adept friends are still largely on Reddit.
Oh yes, and “sad to hear/that’s unfortunate” could use an endcap like “but no worries!” to soften them. Without the endcap and no further punctuation, they read negatively - maybe sarcastic, maybe passive-aggressive and uncaring, or something along those lines - I’m not really sure how to describe it at the moment beyond “negative”. Personally, I like to throw in a quick example of how I understand their position, but I think that’s optional.
That’s good work, and it’s more than anyone could ask of you, thank you for doing it! I hope it’s clear I was just turning your responses around; “feel free to jump in and let them know”, “sad to hear” don’t read well. I’m not in any way trying to say that you haven’t been doing enough.
First of all, yes, everyone using older technology “has bullets coming at them”, you clearly know as well as I do about wear and tear in electronic components so I don’t know why the tone of your reply implies that older hardware will run fine forever as long as “nothing is wrong”. It’s a balancing act; you can’t know if something’s gonna go wrong with your hardware until it does, but failure rates go up the older it gets, plain and simple.
Secondly, yes, you completely misunderstood what I said. I upgraded before anything went wrong, for gaming and local AI primarily, and because I wanted to avoid the tariffs I knew were coming. I repurposed my old system in its entirety into a server, and not even a few months later it BSOD’d with the fatal hardware error. I know it can be a transient error, I said it’s generally not, because that’s my experience in the absence of overheating/overvolting. I had not overclocked at all, I don’t feel like risking it for a few extra percent performance when I’m running a system for long-term stability.
Finally, I think you’ll find that I not only didn’t recommend an upgrade and just parted out an upgrade kit at what most would consider a reasonable price these days, but that I ALSO labeled my experience as an anecdote. Meanwhile, you gave your anecdote like it shows I’m an asshole or an idiot, or both, for upgrading when my PC wasn’t on literal fire. Fuck me for trying to help a buddy out on the Internet, I guess.