Are the bullet holes shopped on instead of shot on?
It looks like the same hole with the same shadows pasted all over the car.
Are the bullet holes shopped on instead of shot on?
It looks like the same hole with the same shadows pasted all over the car.
Blechschaden ist gut für die Wirtschaft, personenschaden nicht.
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Für Autos gilt das gleiche Argument, oder?
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Sorry I misunderstood and didnt realise you were talking about that specific page.
Get a bucket or box and place a plank reaching into it. Glue an almond or something with peanut Butter to the end. Oil the lower half of the plank.
You might have to cover the the edges so they cant jump out.
Thats how I caught 7 mice in a day that refused to get into conventional traps for days. I released them in a field.
Act fast, they reproduce Quick and its unlikely only one mouse moved in. They will nibble on you while you sleep and such.
If you dont have food they will start eating through stuff.
Who knows, it might take longer than a day, so a wednesday seems fine so more people can join over the weekend.
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Facebook’s engagement buttons are an important example. Using cookies, Facebook can track users across all websites on which a Facebook “Like” or “Share” button appears, even if users never actively click on them (Roosendaal 2012). This, in turn, allows Facebook to build shadow profiles (Garcia 2017), regardless of whether an individual ever signed up for a Facebook account. Shadow profiles allow Facebook to connect individual browsing behavior to existing and future Facebook accounts.
The use it to create shadow profiles of you, without you ever clicking on it.
When He didnt Show up on Kendricks Pop out I got curios. When He showed up at the olympics I knew something was afoot.
Now everything is clear.
I left my subreddit of 10 million users behind when it became apparent that spez isnt better than musk.
Get a grip.
Tactical Breach Wizards
When people carried the milk home, they used it the same day.
Sometimes a change in weather could spoil it on the way home.
Für den Fall taugt es wirklich nicht, es sei denn man hat zu viel Zeit und steht aif Schmerzen.
Mein Fall ist etwas anders. Meine Familie wohnt 90km weit weg. Ohne Deutschlandticket kostet die einzelne Fahrt inzwischen 20€.
Ich muss also nur 1 1/2 mal im Monat in die Heimat und schon lohnt es sich. Die Züge sind die gleichen, und wenn es keine Ausfälle oder Baustellen gibt, ist man sogar etwas schneller als mit dem Auto.
Because maybe if you had some fucking solidarity, there would be fewer red states. We’re doing shitty, thank you for all the nothing, and you’ll be right there with us soon.
I don’t believe you after that statement. That’s at least two deadly sins.
The stickers were placed by the attackers.