From what I can tell he just seems like some libertarian who wants to pick fights. His top song (cover above) is called genocide and features exclusively people that seem to be implied to be Soviets. I expected some horseshoe theory, but the songs just him complaining about haters plus some Nazi related jokes. He’s got a song called Chinese propaganda (feat. MKULTRA), and at first it seems like he could just be responding to the haters on Twitter by joking about his XI Bucks, but then he talks about Taiwan and “our supreme leader” and I’m not sure. If he knows what MKULTRA is maybe he’s not totally ignorant. He also has a song called Isis type beat, which seems like a respectable shitpost, and it reminded me of Yugopnik talking about Isis edits going hard. I did some googling, and all I got of his politics are he is representative of the ambiguous “American melting pot.” Thoughts? Edit: weird YT short of his-

  • @MaoWasRight
    311 months ago

    He’s a piece of shit who uses racist sambo and pickaninny imagery and makes crap music.

    • KiG V2
      210 months ago

      I have a lot of criticism of his half-baked politics but I can assure you he isn’t racist. His character is not a Sambo–although he certainly likes stirring controversy from it being easily mistaken as that–its some sort of figure from Hinduism; he’s Indian, he has various references to Hinduism both lyrically and visually elsewhere.