For context, I got mine done just over two years ago. No complications (as of yet…). I’ve also got two kids already.

A few guys at work were absolutely baffled by my decision, and I even heard one was questioning my masculinity.

  • @HelixDab2
    383 months ago

    I did it when I was married to my ex-wife. I didn’t want kids.

    Then we got divorced.

    You know what’s really awful? Dating and having to worry about pregnancy. That was never a concern. I have zero regrets. If I wanted to have small creatures running around my house that would destroy everything I cared about, I would get a few additional cats.

    • @Hadriscus
      32 months ago

      My cats make for great children. They don’t all respond to their names, but I never have to clean their arses

      • @HelixDab2
        22 months ago

        …I have had to clean cat butts more times than I would care to. And cat feet, from them pooping on their own feet.

        Still better than kids.