I meditate. vipassana. big fan.

  • treefrog
    6 months ago

    Mostly anapanasati here. Been doing it long enough to understand that letting go is the peak of practice. And that letting go completely is a synonym for nirvana.

    I also incorporate some shamanism, though it wasn’t an intentional decision. Started following animal guides at some point during my spiritual journey (I eat a lot of mushrooms). Recently had a change of lineage from one animal guide to a different one. Followed by three ‘brain zaps’.

    No idea if it means anything. I know Daniel Ingram talks about the brain resetting during a fruition. I usually take him with a grain of salt but maybe it was that. A signal cascade as I moved from following one guide to following a different one. Maybe my brain is just tired of psychedelics 🤷

    I guess I’ll find out next time I eat some.