Tell us about the game you finished? Were they good or bad and what are you plans for the current month?

  • Ashtear
    6 months ago

    The big one this past month was Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (and Future Redeemed). I touched on it briefly in another post, but overall I was mostly positive on it. I thought the first half of the game was a lot stronger than the second half, which started to devolve into a repetition a bit. Future Redeemed had the same problem, to the point where I eventually dropped the difficulty down to Easy. Level spikes had me feeling like side questing was mandatory again, like in Torna. Didn’t want to do that. In the end I liked Future Redeemed a lot more, especially the music and the characters. I did mostly enjoy XC3’s main cast as a unit, but I really liked A (I have a thing for kuudere, I think) and how could I not like Glimmer?

    I tried out Xbox Game Pass last month, so with that included I spent a little time in a lot of different games last month. For JRPGs, it was a little more Atelier Ayesha, Tokyo Xanadu, Unicorn Overlord and trying out Persona 5 Tactica. P5T didn’t grab me (and I’m not planning on continuing Game Pass), but I know I’ll come back to Atelier and UO eventually.

    Other than that, the only firm plan for the month is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. That’s day 1 for me. I’m playing Yakuza 0 right now and am leaning towards jumping to Like a Dragon 7 right after, so that might happen in April, too.