I’d understand if they were a random user, but a mod should already have at least some understanding about a community’s topic.

But worse to me are their comments in that post calling the people responding “childish trolls in this community”. I do not think that this is appropriate for a moderator.

  • shrugal
    8 months ago

    We really must have read two different posts and sets of comments. All they did was to ask for a foss license that makes for-profit endeavors give back some of the money they earn by using foss projects, just like they have to give back code under most foss licenses. There is nothing bad about that general idea imo, we’ve hopefully all heard about the problems os projects have to sustain themselves, even when they are being used by commercially successful businesses.

    They were then told by some levelheaded people that this doesn’t really work with foss alone, and so accepted that the best course of action would be to dual-license their work going forward.

    Everything else (including what you just wrote) is heavy projection and very toxic behavior by some people imo. Reading things between the lines that absolutely aren’t there, accusing the OP of nefarious motives without any valid justification, claiming that there is only one correct way to do foss or be against “the community”, and so on. That’s cult and herd behavior, it has no place in foss imo, and that’s pretty much exactly what the OP said when they called some of the more toxic responses childish.

    I would encourage you again to realize that there is more than one valid way to think about foss, and that people who don’t 100% agree with your way still aren’t bad people!