Amazon is phasing out its checkout-less grocery stores with “Just Walk Out” technology, first reported by The Information Tuesday. The company’s senior vice president of grocery stores says they’re moving away from Just Walk Out, which relied on cameras and sensors to track what people were leaving the store with.

  • @tsonfeir
    32 months ago

    But there are people at Walmart working. No one is in the Amazon Fresh store?

      22 months ago

      No one at Walmart is stopping you if you try to just walk out with product. No one is getting paid enough to risk getting sued, and there’s a non-zero chance they get fired if they do more than passively trying to stop you.

      In reality, they are going to note down your info, pull up the camera feeds, and call the cops. The exact same steps a Fresh store would take.

      • @tsonfeir
        12 months ago

        Missed opportunities then.