FSIN: Belgorod volunteer Alexander Demidenko, who helped Ukrainian refugees, committed suicide in the pre-trial detention center. The regional department of the Federal Penitentiary Service informed “Bel.ru” about it (https://zona.media/news/2024/04/09/dmdnk)

The 61-year-old volunteer died on April 5, but his death became known only three days later. Demidenko was in pre-trial detention center on charges of illegal possession of explosives.

The man had been under arrest for six months - in mid-October, law enforcers kidnapped him at the checkpoint “Kolotilovka”. At that time, Demidenko accompanied an elderly Ukrainian woman to the border. On October 24, it became known that the volunteer was arrested for ten days under the protocol on drinking alcohol in prohibited places. The project “We can explain” published a photo of Demidenko after the detention - it shows signs of beatings.

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Alexander Demidenko. Photo: personal page “VKontakte”


  • InterNews112OP
    7 months ago

    Звичайно, ось 23 гештеги, пов’язані з даною темою:

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