As expected, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers vetoed legislation Monday that would have eliminated the requirement for work permits for 14- and 15-year-old teens who take a job.

“Asking more kids to work is not a serious plan or solution to address our statewide workforce issues,” Evers said in his veto message for SB-436.

Evers took the action at a statewide union meeting in Madison. The bill “isn’t a serious proposal to address generational statewide issues,” Evers said in his remarks at the spring conference of the Wisconsin State Council of Machinists. “This bill is wrong for our kids and wrong for our state.”

  • tsonfeir
    5 months ago

    That and they can molest the kids easier when they’re at a factory. Kinda hard to pluck them out of their homes. Poor kids are easier/cheaper to silence, too. And if they open their mouths, whoops, they fell into a meat grinder.