• @BossDj
    11 month ago

    As long as the apps at the top of the app stores and songs on the top of the charts are the ones that corporations most advertised, and as long as people will listen to conspiracy theories from Q Anon and demand freedom of speech from Twitter, I genuinely do not trust people to have direct access to decision making. Ask middle class Americans think the biggest political issue right now is the tik tok ban

    • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
      1 month ago

      So instead you prefer the decision making to be in the hands of a small group of people all paid for and owned by the corporations, and who pander to the conspiracy nuts?

    • DessertStorms
      21 month ago

      I genuinely do not trust people to have direct access to decision making

      I wonder what you think politicians are, and whose interests they’re acting on (hint: it isn’t yours, and depending on how much “lobbying” money bribes they’ve gotten, it might not even be their own, see those who serve the oil lobby for example)