Yay… more bad news from the land of the free.

  • SoylentBlake
    5 months ago

    Gotta bring wages down somehow.

    FDR stood with workers, a class traitor in the eyes of the rich. They’ve been whittling away at the New Deal for 80 years now. Civil rights pissed them off, who do these people think they are? But goddamn, Women’s lib was a fucking godsend to the owner class. Available workers; effectively doubled. Wages, halved. hey’ve been riding that shockwave ever since and tech has been thrown in our face so we wouldn’t notice that as inflations tide rose, the pigs were stepping on wages shoulders.

    Most only notice now that all the airways are underwater.

    But lower profits? Oh no. Let’s pit them against their kids.

    These fucking guys man. Is it time to clean the gene pool yet?