During my entire life (32 years) I used windows and linux machines. Now I bought my first mac book and I would like to know what tools is nice to have to make my work easy.

I am a developer ruby on rails and use vscode, also I use the terminal a lot and the default terminal is not that great. Also I miss notepad++

Any sugestions?

Thank You

  • heero_youi
    1 year ago
    • HomeBrew: This is your new best friend, one of the best package managers out there and makes installing specific versions of runtimes and switching between them seamless.
    • iTerm 2/Termius: Default Terminal isn’t bad but these add a lot of quality of life features such as click to move cursor without using your keyboard and smart text linking.
    • VSCode: Unrivaled in terms of extensions.
    • Rectangle: Basically adds Windows’ snapping feature to macOS and has a lot of cool tiling features.
    • Insomnia: Postman alternative that doesn’t have a crap ton of telemetry. Bonus: You can use vim in it.
    • DBeaver: One stop shop Database client and there are drivers to make everything from Hive to Teradata connect seamlessly.