I was trying to analyze my phone’s storage through Filelight, but it just gets frozen after I select the phone’s folder. I didn’t find anything in Bugzilla regarding this problem.
Is the protocol supported at all in the app?

  • @Lojcs
    51 month ago

    In my experience mtp (especially on Linux) stops working if you look at it wrong, so probably not. Perhaps kde connect’s folder view works?

    I’d run gdu in termux on the phone though.

    • @QuazarOmega@lemy.lolOP
      21 month ago

      In my experience mtp (especially on Linux) stops working if you look at it wrong, so probably not.

      Haha, that may be, I’ve never done anything aside from just moving and copying files with it luckily, so I don’t really know.

      Perhaps kde connect’s folder view works?

      Interesting idea, I should try that!

      I’d run gdu in termux on the phone though.

      Ooo, you just unlocked a fabulous CLI tool for me that I didn’t know about!
      Does it work on the whole phone storage? I remember there being a symlink (?) to the user’s home in Termux’s folder, but I’m wondering if it’ll leave something out

      • @Lojcs
        1 month ago

        Gdu doesn’t follow folder symlinks and can’t scan what it doesn’t have permission to (like system folders and other apps) but if you cd to internalstorage it can scan that