"The United States, the UK, Germany, and France—these are some of the most oppressive and repressive governments in the world if you remove all of the self-praise and the propaganda that they spew about themselves and about freedom and civil rights and so on.

They are a Western axis against freedom, and if you don’t know that—I mean, if you live there and you don’t know that—then you just haven’t tested it.

The only way that you can live in any of those countries—and increasingly in the US—and not know that they are despotic tyrannies, is if you have been so numbed and so brainwashed that you hold no opinion in your head that wasn’t put there by the state, that wasn’t injected into your lifeless brain by the mainstream media.

So, you never had anything to protest about.

You never questioned your government.

You never challenged the official narratives about anything.

That’s the only way that you can’t know what I’m talking about.

And that makes you even more repressed, more oppressed, and more tyrannized than the people who are getting beaten and who are getting detained for objecting to their government’s brutality.

You’re even more of a victim.

You’re even more abused than those protesters who are getting clubbed upside the head and getting choked and getting abused by the security forces because your government, your rulers, your ruling class has never let you live a day in your life without telling you what to think and sabotaging your ability to think for yourself.

You’re the most abused in your society.

What they did to you is worse than beating; it’s worse than detention; it’s worse than imprisonment.

At least those protesters who are getting beaten and arrested by the police—at least their minds are free, at least they have their own thoughts in their heads.

But you—your leaders have made you a zombie that thinks that the right thing, the moral thing, is whatever power chooses to do; your government has put you into a moral coma.

You’re morally comatose.

They put you under an induced coma so that you can’t see them sponsoring the wanton murder of 34,000 people, some 24,000 innocent women and children.

You can’t see that there’s anything wrong with that.

You feel nothing, or even worse, you think it’s the right thing, you think it’s the moral thing, you think that what your government is doing is good by sanctioning indiscriminate slaughter; you think that’s fine.


They’ve robbed you of your very humanity, and that’s the only reason that you can believe that you live in a free society.

That’s the only reason that you can believe that you live in a society with civil rights and liberty and free speech and all of those other wonderful things that you never had and never will have.

The only freedom that you have in those countries is the freedom to agree with power.

You’re free to submit to the powers that be."

Source: https://twitter.com/nxt888/status/1784491213548368231

Disclaimer: i could not find a more solid source for this quote. The tweet attributes it to a person named Shahid Bolsen. I do not know anything about this person. Cursory research indicates they are a somewhat obscure middle eastern political commentator. This is not an endorsement of whatever other political views they may or may not hold, as i have no clue in that regard. Regardless who said it and whether or not they are someone we would agree with more broadly, this is in and of itself an excellent quote that perfectly encapsulates the reality of western societies: we are the most propagandized people in the world.