• SharkEatingBreakfast
    1 month ago

    Magnum XL is so headache-inducing & basic, but I can’t help but love it!

    Really like the Millennium Force, too, but wasn’t able to ride it this trip as I was having spinal issues.

    Unfortunately, my absolute favorite, the Mantis, was shut down permanently before I had a chance to ride it one last time. RIP sweet prince.

    OH! I thought the Gatekeeper was really neat, too! But go on the cars closest to the water– I think that side is the best!

    • Bob K MertzM
      41 month ago

      Not sure if you are aware but Rougarou is actually Mantis just with side down cars… but it was FAR better with the stand up trains and in it’s current state it’s one of the very few coasters that I’ll never ride again.

      I love Magnum sooooooo freaking much!