I have some extra money lying around in USD being slowly devoured by inflation. The conventional wisdom is to invest in stocks or bonds in the US. Fundamentally, that’s just gambling on the continued success of empire. Should I buy gold or other metals instead? Are there non-dollar-denominated ways to invest in economic development of the global south instead? I don’t care about returns I just want long-term stability of value

  • RagingHungryPanda
    1 month ago

    It’s more of can you get accounts for financial institutions where you are or invest using their currencies. That has more to do with being a resident, having citizenship, or whatever is required.

    But think of currency this way: you trade currency for an asset. When you sell it, you can get a different currency for it.

    Is your concern to not hold dollars, or to do trade in currency that isn’t a dollar? Ultimately, if you want to give your support to outside the US, just invest in ETFs or bonds or whatever outside the US. Whether or not you use dollars has little to do with the benefit