Another Russian aerial bomb fell on the Belgorod region

This is already the 33rd case in the last 2.5 months.

At night, the FAB fell in the village of Razumnoye in a parking lot on Vereskovaya Street.

According to the local publication Ashes, another bomb exploded a few tens of meters from the first, but with a difference of 8 hours, as local residents talked about online.

As ASTRA reported today, over the past 4 days Russia has dropped 5 bombs on the Belgorod region. It turns out that in March, April and May alone, the Russian Federation dropped at least 33 FABs on Russian and occupied Ukrainian regions, ASTRA found out. On May 4, 7 people were injured due to a FAB-500 dropped on Belgorod . The authorities hid the fact that the bomb that exploded was Russian.

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