Kevin Roberts remembers when he could get a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a drink from Five Guys for $10. But that was years ago. When the Virginia high school teacher recently visited the fast-food chain, the food alone without a beverage cost double that amount.

Roberts, 38, now only gets fast food “as a rare treat,” he told CBS MoneyWatch. “Nothing has made me cook at home more than fast-food prices.”

Roberts is hardly alone. Many consumers are expressing frustration at the surge in fast-food prices, which are starting to scare off budget-conscious customers.

A January poll by consulting firm Revenue Management Solutions found that about 25% of people who make under $50,000 were cutting back on fast food, pointing to cost as a concern.

  • Ben Hur Horse Race
    5 months ago

    I went through the burger king drive through a few weeks ago and got just a crispy chicken sangwich and the girl said €7.45 and I couldn’t fucking believe it. I kept the receipt to show my wife. I also made sure we got a loaf of bread and some lunch meat to make sandwiches for the last few weeks. Honestly fuck those people

      • Ben Hur Horse Race
        5 months ago

        a whole rotissierie chicken from the grocery store is like €6. its the fast food industry that took the pandemic’s supply chain issues that lasted for several months to increase prices to see how much they could increase profits. double the price and sales dont fall so far that the increase in net profit stays, they keep the increase.

        as I’ve said, I started buying bread and lunchmeat. I’m not buying a €13 meal every work day (this is also sandwiches from coffee chains etc, not just fast food crap).

        for me, if fast food isn’t cheap its a no go. The good, fast, cheap paridigm stands: you can only ever have two.

        it used to be fast and cheap. theyre now telling us its good and fast. it was never good.