This is a topic I enjoyed seeing over at the other place, so I thought I’d try to get it going here if people are interested.

  • lustyargonian
    1 year ago

    I’m playing Days Gone on PS5. I’ve unlocked the second part of the world and by now I’m really hooked. It took some time but I’m starting to get a hang of it.

    The world is actually quite immersive because of all the mechanics it has. You scavenge, you clear areas, you engage with random encounters, you progress in the story, you fix your bike and refuel it. It’s a bit like Death Stranding in a way.

    And unlike Ubisoft formula, this one is genuinely different. It feels like an alternate reality of Ubisoft’s approach (I say Ubisoft but Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon and maybe even Spider-Man follow similar formula). Nests, camps and nero points all feel very different from yet another outpost with alarms and a leader, and enemy variety is pretty decent. So far it’s quite fresh.

    Story and dialogues are a bit meh, it sounds like the protagonist is muttering post sex lol, but once you go along with it and believe the narrative, it’s pretty alright and consistent.

    The graphics are really good, I mean I can’t believe PS4 was able to handle this game, the clutter and draw distances are really impressive. One thing I really hate is the loading times the game has, I wish they could release a native port to fix that or it had activity cards at the very least.

    Overall I’m really enjoying it.