Horrible voter outreach.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      5 months ago

      As far as I can tell, Ozma is redefining it here. The other Perfectly Legitimate Leftists aren’t trying to make any distinction of a particular segment of the Democrats who are “blue MAGA”; they’re just using the term to mean the Democrats are exactly the same as the Trump party and so there’s no point voting for either of them.

      That is, of course, insane. I think they’re hoping it’ll produce their desired result on the election through sheer repetition and weight of “emperor definitely has clothes” peer pressure, but who knows. Also, why Ozma is using it in his different way, who knows, although I have a theory.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          5 months ago

          I think he just independently arrived at it on his own, with this very specific definition as applied to this one particular establishment segment of the Democratic Party, because he had really strong feelings created because all his pro-Democrats-winning-elections productive feedback was being short sightedly ignored. He’s just trying to get through to them how important it is for them to start using more successful tactics to win the election and defeat Trump, because he totally thinks that’s important and he’s working hard to try to make it happen.

          But then, independently, a whole different group of perfectly legitimate leftists invented the same term and started applying it (in front of a different audience with a somewhat different receptiveness level to transparent bullshit and groupthink), but using a different meaning and framing, which they also independently came up with, to encourage people to the totally different but still organically arrived at result of not wanting to vote for Joe Biden.

          Or, wait, I’m not sure I think that. Now that I type it out it seems a little farfetched all put together. There must be some explanation, though.

    • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’ve only ever voted for Dems but what can we call people that criticize you for saying the Democratic party is shit and its leadership deserves bedbugs in their homes for eternity?

      I’ve never been able to support anyone other than a democrat, but I can’t get myself to even call myself a democrat, I would consider that insulting based on the policy choices democratic leadership supports and fights for - things like spending significant money to assist specific Republicans win their campaigns or changing rules specifically to make it more difficult for Democrats that disagree with DNC leadership to win against the ones they do support.

      I want the D party to be something I can wholeheartedly support, but I don’t and I never have been able to. The people that do support DNC leadership are not my allies (at least in the primary and all other times, except during a general election).