Just to have some conversation here I’m curious how you chose your name if you’ve already chosen one and what the story behind it is? And if you haven’t chosen your name yet, maybe people are able to help you decide.

As for me it was always pretty clear which name I would choose because a few years before even realising I’m trans much less coming out I asked my mum what name I would have gotten if I was born a girl. She told me that I always successfully hid my genitals on every ultrasound picture (kind of prophetic in hindsight) so my parents had to choose a name for both possibilities. And thus a name was already chosen for me that fit perfectly. 🥰

I’m curious to hear your stories!

  • treefrog
    4 months ago

    It’s interesting.

    When I took the name I use as my handle here, I was doing emotional work before COVID and said, I’m tree frog because frogs love water and I bring the rain. (I did a lot of mourning that weekend).

    Over COVID, the shell started to crack for me and I became aware of a distinct and persistent female personality hiding behind my dead name. She had already chosen a name. The more I explore being trans the more I realize, she was me all along. And the boy a mask.

    My name is Rayne. It means queen. My dead name means sovereign. My handle is also a metaphor for my dharma name, skillful transformation of the heart. Frogs being shapeshifters.

    I guess I use intuition to choose my names. And by coincidence, they ended up with the same meaning as both my given names.

    Some people believe in numerology. I believe in name magic :)

    And I’m still exploring what all of this means. Bought my first dress today. Scary and liberating.