Don’t vote for president if you don’t want to, I get it. It’s stupid we only have 2 options, especially when both are in mental decline and show little to no ambition to reduce needless deaths and suffering. Both want to move this country towards fascism, and both are creating a worse world they won’t have to live in for much longer.

To those who see this and think I’m saying both sides are the same, I’m not. I’ll probably vote for Biden in November because he’s driving towards the cliff at a slower speed and at least does the bare minimum for marginalized in this country. Also Trump said some pretty racist shit last night. Still, to those who don’t want to support either candidate for the reasons above, that’s valid.

The point I’m getting to is VOTE DOWN BALLOT. Vote for your congress person and your senator, both federal and state. Vote for your city council and your sheriff and whatever bills there are and everything else. That’s where the fight still matters. That’s where you can make the most difference. The social justice you want to see won’t get near the white house until it’s represented in the lower offices. It doesn’t matter who the president is if you get enough decent people in a position to stand in their way.

unnecessary addendum

That’s the important bit but here’s a some sort messages to a few blocks of voters. To Republicans and right wingers, you should reevaluate your positions because what you’re supporting is stupid and selfish and often inhumane. To Democrats, if you get enough control over the house and senate it doesn’t really matter if Trump is president, also recognize and correct the failures of your party please. To the leftists, please run for office and bring those ideas into the mainstream discussion, try to reach out to your community and to share rather than driving them away with self righteousness. Also, don’t be bigoted, that goes for everyone.

Edit: I even said I was voting for Biden and the libs are still mad I think he sucks. Again, the point of this post is to get people to pay attention to the other things on their ballot. The president isn’t as important or as powerful as we act like it is. And if you want better options, you have to support better options in races where they actually have a chance.

  • JeSuisUnHombreOP
    3 months ago

    That reasoning doesn’t explain the annexation of Crimea. Invading a neutral sovereign nation is a horrendous way to oppose a political alliance. With or without NATO, Putin would want to take control of Ukraine. Personally, I think that’s a bad thing and would like to stop it from happening. Also this invasion actually got Finland and Sweden to join NATO, so much for that cold water.

    To address your edit with one of my own, Trump’s nationalistic focus on domestic policy is curtailing freedoms and vocally promoting hate. Not really what I’m looking for.

      3 months ago

      Context is important here. Russians annexed Crimea because of a coup in Kyiv by Ukrainian Nationalist, the so-called Neo-Nazis, or politely called Extreme Ukrainian Nationalist. The reason why Russia annexed Crimea is for security concerns, which is why Ukrainian neutrality was important. The annexation was a geostrategic move to prevent future NATO control. Neutrality is important here. Besides, even if that is the case, why does the US need to meddle in Ukraine when it is inconsequential to US national security. We all know Americans were inside Ukraine prior to the 2014 coup. Victoria Nuland was there with her colleagues, meddling in Ukrainian politics. Why? Because there is a political agenda at work here.

      It is important to point out causation here. Was neutrality better for Ukraine, or was going for NATO membership a disaster? The latter is indisputably true. Neutrality was better. To those to who say that Putin was going to invade anyway, based on what? We have people who can read other people’s minds? This is absurd logic to assume you know what another person is thinking and base international relations on that. That easily leads to miscalculation.

      Here are the fact here since the US became deeply involved in Ukraine: 1. Ukraine is less democratic, with less political parties, with no legal president. 2. Ukraine is far less peaceful, with men forced to fight in a futile war that could have been prevented with diplomacy. 3. Ukraine is losing on the battlefield. Those are the facts. Whose miscalculation are those?

          3 months ago

          You are not making any sense. Why do you care to whom Crimea belongs to? It means nothing to US national security. The Russians, however, see it as an existential threat for NATO to control Crimea. The Russians have been telling NATO for 20 years that NATO expansion is not acceptable and was contingent on the breakup of the USSR. It seems clear in what you support and who you think are the good guys. Azov Battalion and SS Emblems And Symbols

          • JeSuisUnHombreOP
            3 months ago

            I think it’s bad when a nation is trying to take land away from another nation. You sound like a Russian troll though. I’m probably not going to continue this discussion.

              3 months ago

              Ukraine is much more complicated than what you hear on TV. USSR collapsed because of the power struggle between the President of Russia Yeltsin and the USSR leader Gorbachev. Ukraine was a Soviet Republic created by the Soviets. Crimea, more specifically, Sevastopol, was a piece of land of contention, because it was/is the HQ of the Russian Black Fleet and the Ukrainian navy was actually a split off of the USSR/Russian Navy. They shared the area together as a naval base, which exemplifies how important it is strategically. The Russians allowed East Germany to unify with West Germany on the condition that NATO would not expand one inch beyond that. The US ignored it and decided to expand NATO over the years as a policy of political capture. I posted that picture because Ukrainians are not liberals. It is not freedom versus “fascism” that Western media portrays. Russians actually call Ukrainians fascist. Ukrainian military uses that Nazi emblem for recruitment posters. The real conflict is between Ukrainian nationalist and Russians. They don’t like Russia; they change their religious denomination because of it, they ban the Russian language, and ban Russian political parties. The history textbooks teach that Nazis were fascist. Liberals are not supposed to be Neo-Nazi, but who knows nowadays. Democrats/liberals/progressives/leftist, even Republicans, believe what their leaders/elites them what to think, all the way to their own pit of hell. You have been duped once again, just like WMDs in Iraq.