• SoylentBlake
    2 months ago

    Why doesn’t he pack the court then? RETURN it to 13 judges? There’s no reason to have it at 9, it was done out of respect for the chief justice, and it’s pretty clear the Roberts has no respect for…anything other than money I guess.

    This shit wouldn’t be news to Biden, or any elected Democrat. But since all Democrats do is balance the status quo with giving juuuuust enough concessions to keep everyone from rioting (then it swings right the next election, bc only the 1000 richest want the status quo, and then the right pulls us 10 steps towards authoritarianism. And Dems never right the ship, so it just gets worse and worse.

    That is why ppl say both are the same. It’s death by 1000 cuts or death by a 100 cuts and we’re supposed to be grateful.

    If that court isn’t packed before November I blame everything on Democrats and I always will. It won’t matter if Repubs cheat just enough to make the SC get involved. Then they’ll never be another election - AND ITLL BE THE DEMOCRATS FAULT. we know what Republicans want to do. They’re out here being honest about their intentions. To not act accordingly, if Democrats Democrat, fucking corporate milquetoast casual Friday, yknow, their usual inaction, social engineering, herding the crowd like tax chattel for the socially darwinian, if Democrats Democrat…I am not optimistic

    If we look at political positions on the spectrum, neoliberals (that’s the Democrats) are about the worst match up you can have against fascism. Everyone in any position of authority deserves our contempt, for even allowing this to come to pass. Maybe if those in control taught actual history instead of social engineering exhausted consumers, we’d be more aware of these mistakes humanity’s already made. The lessons are already there, the rich just keep us stuck in loop, patiently taking everything good in life. If hard work we’re good for you then rest assured the rich would have taken it all by now.

    I just want to live in a world not governed by abusers, manipulators and marketers. Every police statement is just domestic abuse tactics. Once you see it, you’ll never unsee it.

    • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
      2 months ago

      Why doesn’t he…

      Because they only have a razor thin senate majority (and that’s assuming Manchin and Sinema are going to play ball), and the house is Republican controlled.