It’s been a calm week with lots of free time. I made a lot of progress on my secret present project which went from 50 stitches to 600 in the matter of three days (actually two as I can only work on it every other day). The November deadline is more than feasible and by the looks of it it might be done by mid August, September if we count the frame order.

The Greenhouse of Oddities SAL is coming along nicely. I stitched most of Maria Merian, as well as the butterflies she’s painting. The brown blob on the top right is going to be an elf owl once I’m done with the backstitching. Speaking of backstitching, I’m going to work on it as soon as I finish this part of the pattern which is actually 3 parts in one, each part meant to be stitched in a week. I’m definitely having fun with it!

Obligatory progress pics!

Unformatted link as Jerboa doesn’t like the formatted one for some reason

  • thegiddystitcherM
    1 year ago

    I’ve hardly had any stitching time this week because other projects (making clothes for holiday, basically) are priority atm. But I’m SO CLOSE on a finish with Garden Cat by Satsuma Street, I can TASTE IT.

    Garden Cat - Satsuma Street

    There’s basically just clouds and a couple of other small bits to go. Need to get an hour or so where I can sit down and work on it, so if time doesn’t present itself before then I guess this can be how I kick off 24hocs on Friday.