• SoylentBlake
    2 months ago

    I’m with ya. This feels just like 2016-2020. Cartoon villainy. Poorly written, one dimensional, no character development, sophomoric at best. These eLiTeS think they’re so clever social engineering, writing the cultural narrative.

    This was a fucking photo op. A distraction from 2025.

    I’m curious what info will be released on the shooter, whether they’ll hold back info or retcon/chatgpt his history into some caricature of a Marxist. Part of me’s wishing it was Scott Adams who did it, just so I could let out the largest eye roll of my life. Jeb Bush would be a side-splitting plot-twist tho, one can only wish, amirite?

    Would the guy who tear gassed a congregation for a photo op (with the Bible upside down and backwards no less) attempt to false flag himself into an antihero? Ab-so-fucking-lutely he wouldm. America’s full of needy people already knocking on deaths door due to being unable to afford health care. One final act to set the wife and kids up for life? Lots of men would make that deal with the devil, they won’t be around for the aftermath anyway.

    The shooters past 3 months needs to be extensively reconstructed, everyone he spoke to online dossiered and vetted, every transaction audited, every minute accounted for.

    I guarantee there’s fuckery afoot. These are the most amoral assholes our countries ever seen. The means matters not one fuck, just the end.

    At least they aren’t that fucking smart about shit. Dumb evil is still evil tho.