Got back from family vacation, got on the dreaded Facebook, found out the woman who was my first gf 12 years ago, and subsequently a friend I talked to pretty frequently, had died of liver failure at 33 years old.

Looking back on it, when she was drinking 12 years ago it just seemed like a fun time. I didn’t know she sustained that pace for a decade plus. Some other things took a toll too, like an eating disorder.

Anyways, I am fuckin sad, fuck alcohol, it’s as bad as heroin but capitalism gotta make that $$$$$

  • BruceTwarzen
    2 months ago

    Oh boy. I was quite the drinker in my 20’s. For the life of me i can’t remember if i ever really liked alcohol, but i stopped like 10 plus years ago and i know that i really don’t like it now. People who i knew from my drinking days and also people who only know me as a non drinker constantly try to get me to drink and i don’t get it. And it’s always the same: “do you want a beer?”

    No i don’t drink, thanks.

    “Just one, you can still drive after a beer.”

    I still don’t drink.

    “Just wine then?”

    No, literally nothing, ever.

    “But you HAVE to have a red wine for dinner, right?”

    No, i don’t like it.

    “I have (insert alcohol) that is really good.”

    Okay. Can i have a water?

    I had that very conversation so often that i don’t really know what to say anymore. Part of me just wants to lie and say that i’m a recovering alcoholic or something. Or maybe freak out instead of always politely deny.