The Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) was under investigation for several months over its alleged support for Lebanon’s Hezbollah group which is backed by Iran. Hezbollah is classified as a terrorist group by Germany.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday that the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) would be banned for propagating extremism and that its famous “Blue Mosque” was being searched by police.

“It is very important to me to make a clear distinction here: we are not acting against a religion,” Faeser said, but just against a group accused of undermining the German state as well as women’s rights.

The Imam Ali Mosque, known locally as the Blue Mosque, is one of Germany’s oldest mosques and is operated by the IZH.

  • barsoap
    3 months ago

    How do you know explain them arresting pro-Palestenian voices then during peaceful protests?

    German-Israeli activist Iris Hefets was arrested for the first time in Berlin just a few weeks after the start of Israel’s war on Gaza last October – for holding a sign which read, “As a Jew and Israeli, stop the genocide in Gaza”.

    That is 150% not what he was arrested for. It may very well be the sign he held while being arrested, but one does not imply the other. Never fucking trust Al Jazeera on these things they’re far from neutral or factual.

    This matches up with the research I’ve done that Germany is sending arms to Israel.

    99% of arms imports for Israel between 2019 and 2023

    Germany stopped arms exports days after the attacks. Before Nicaragua started its case at the ICJ, btw.

    “We have not decided not to supply weapons. So we will (deliver) and we have (delivered to Israel),” the German leader added.

    Will, when? Have, when? Certainly none since the 2000 PzF shortly after the attacks (anti-tank rockets, not really suitable for a genocide), I’d have heard of that. And when again? Presumably once the Israelis got around ousting Netanyahu and his goons. Scholz is very good at waffling and saying nothing, doubly and triply so when pressed, that’s precisely what he’s doing there. No official change in policy – but somehow still nothing gets exported.

    Not to mention other support they’ve shown, like withdrawing funding from the UNRWA which has contributed to the increasing famine and 200,000 deaths right there.

    It has not. Germany has resumed its responsibilities to UNRWA after Israel’s accusations turned out to be baseless, and no payments from Germany to UNWRA were due during the brief time payments were suspended – so none were missed. If there had been missed payments I’m sure Germany would’ve made up for it.

    You should know all of that if you had read even a bit of the ICJ ruling. Which you probably should do before you accuse a country of supporting genocide.

    • WanderingVentra
      3 months ago

      That is 150% not what he was arrested for. It may very well be the sign he held while being arrested, but one does not imply the other. Never fucking trust Al Jazeera on these things they’re far from neutral or factual.

      Al Jazeera is a lot less biased on Israel Palestinians issues than western media tends to be. There have been multiple studies on it. But I had a feeling you’d say that which is why I also posted the article from Reuters. Also, Iris Hefets is a woman. There’s a video you can watch of her being arrested for not doing anything but holding a sign. Not to mention there’s all the other pro Palestinian protestors you’ve ignored that have received similar or worse treatment. I think there’s been one in Berlin universities most recently, too.

      Germany stopped arms exports days after the attacks. Before Nicaragua started its case at the ICJ, btw.

      So ice had some trouble finding the exact judgment, mostly because the case is still ongoing, they just said Germany can keep sending arms to Israel. But from the text I read, they stopped sending arms in January or February 2024. Which isn’t days after the attacks, it’s actually many months after, but still, I’ll concede. That’s pretty good, I’m proud of Germany and way better than what the US is doing. I would disagree that body armor or helmets, fuses, or military vehicles aren’t helping a genocidal state, though, especially since I saw something about mechanical parts for tank engines and stuff like that. Hopefully they keep examining future shipments, but a full BDS movement like happened with South Africa would be preferable, or the sanctions on Russia.

      Will, when? Have, when? Certainly none since the 2000 PzF shortly after the attacks (anti-tank rockets, not really suitable for a genocide), I’d have heard of that. And when again? Presumably once the Israelis got around ousting Netanyahu and his goons. Scholz is very good at waffling and saying nothing, doubly and triply so when pressed, that’s precisely what he’s doing there. No official change in policy – but somehow still nothing gets exported.

      I guess you can presume that, but it seems like quite the leap. To me, it sounds like a political leader reaffirming their support of an apartheid genocide state and saying they’ll go back to sending weapons. But political leaders in the West, especially the US and Germany, are so spineless about Israel, that if he is just saying this to get them off his back while they don’t actually increase support again, all credit to him.

      Germany has resumed its responsibilities to UNRWA after Israel’s accusations turned out to be baseless, and no payments from Germany to UNWRA were due during the brief time payments were suspended

      This does seem to be true as well, so my bad. But in my defense, it happened very recently and they put out a statement the same month as ICJ’s response. Wonder if it’s connected lol. But once again, all credit to Germany for resuming payments. It’s definitely a good thing.

      Which you probably should do before you accuse a country of supporting genocide.

      I’m not the only one. There are countless articles from tons of Western news sources that I posted above about Germany supporting Israel the second most after the US, including military aid. Not to mention the common sources about their protests, their crackdown on protests, German civil servants sending their government requests to withdraw support from Israel, and more. But they are responding to international criticism way better than other countries, like the US, so I apologize for the facts I did get wrong or were outdated.

      • barsoap
        3 months ago

        There’s a video you can watch of her being arrested for not doing anything but holding a sign.

        Here’s the video. That is very much not what’s happening.

        She claims that “she’s not at a protest so it can’t be an illegal one”, meanwhile, back at the taz, she says it was a protest (“Kundgebung”). It might be an odd interaction but then you can also try and politicise the hell out of a cop tangling you up in a discussion and asking your for ID – which btw they can do without any reason at all. The whole thing was over in 30 minutes, no arrest (in the legal sense). Berlin police at that time was very much on edge as in previous years they had to deal with massive violence during the Nakhba protests. There were permitted demonstrations, she could’ve gone to those. You can then also say “but she’s a Jew who’s holding that sign getting tangled up in a discussion with a cop, this is triply outrageous!” – why should there be different laws for Jews and Muslims? It’s all applied equally. That not being the case would be triply outrageous.

        I assume the rest of your wall of text is in just as good faith so I won’t bother.