Hi all, I have been having persistent hip pain in roughly the circled spot for a few months now. I want to do something about it before it gets worse but I don’t know how. It feels very tight and unpleasant when stretching and I also get pins and needles very quickly when sitting on my sit bones or a hard chair.

Another clue to the location of the discomfort: the stretch that feels best is sitting crisscross with my right foot on bottom and leaning away from my hip with my leg grounded to the floor.

I can feel my body compensating and stiffness is slowly starting to travel up my lower back.

  • tacosanonymous
    2 months ago

    ^This sounds reasonable.

    It’s a stretch but a bone spur on the hip or perhaps a disc issue (hernia/pinching, etc)

    Regardless, the kind of issue I’d see a medical professional for and rather quickly. Depending on insurance, there may be a lot of hoops to go through and that could mean prolonging the issue/pain.