There are new reports that he’s in the hospital. I will undelete this post if his death is confirmed.

Z-war correspondent Poddubny is alive, Kursk regional hospital reported

His hospitalization in the Kursk Regional Hospital was confirmed to the Defense Ministry’s Zvezda TV channel. Soon this information was confirmed by Poddubny’s employer, the VGTRK television and radio company. The Z-war correspondent was wounded as a result of a UAV attack.

The video allegedly shows Poddubny being hospitalized.

  • JimSamtanko
    1 month ago

    Okay… you’re too fucking stupid to discuss this with.

    The blame lies with those committing the act of war- NOT the people that happen to innocently live there. Just as I am not responsible for Trump, they are not responsible for the evils of Putin.

    You blaming all Russians for the acts brought upon Ukrainians is not too fair from the logic used by Putin.

    Be better.