Title mostly describes how I’m feeling now.

When I was younger, my main worry when deciding what game to buy and play next was that the game wouldn’t be able to keep me entertained until I can buy another game.

Now I have a backlog of almost 100 games that I own and haven’t played yet (although some come from bundles, not all are worth playing). My new concern when I’m playing a game is whether or not the time I put into the game is well spent.

I used to really like the idea of games where it would take me 100s of hours to get to 100% completion, but now I tend to almost avoid playing them entirely even if I know I don’t care about completion anymore.

I don’t think I’m alone in this, but what I’m really wondering is if this is a result of getting older? Or is it because the gaming space itself has changed?

  • nac82
    1 year ago

    As an older dude, I think it’s more about how people choose to live. I’m one of the DINK couples so the wife and I love gaming together.

    Both working full time, go on camping trips, play tennis, and still manage to be a part of a destiny clan who we have cleared all the raids with.

    We just beat Diablo 4 together (then dropped it due to the patch and garbage 1st season lol).

    I get how some people need more contained experiences, but I can not stand games that are too contained or basic.

    There are exceptions like party games (gang beasts, Mario party, etc), but for the most part I need my games to be engaging.

    I did a little bit of game development in college and have played games all my life, so sometimes I feel like I’m somewhat sensitive to certain designs. It’s hard to put into words, but a bad animation/game mechanic that might bother a different person like 2/10 might bother me more like an 8/10.

    Some mixture of the above information and my ADHD need for stimulation keeps me away from the smaller games.