• ArchRecord
    25 days ago

    Having cheaper energy from renewable sources?

    They think it’s more expensive due to the very first time they saw renewables used when they weren’t as cost effective as oil, and have been propagandized to with that narrative ever since by billionaire-owned media.

    Never running out of oil?

    They think there’s always going to be enough, and we can just take more from other countries or also use coal to fix that problem.

    Being independent from unstable countries with bad human rights records?

    They don’t care about anyone who’s not American, and even then, they’re very distanced from the reality of the working class.

    Having cleaner air?

    They simply never consider this as it’s never brought up by any of the media they watch. They also probably just don’t think it’s a big deal since “I can breath this air just fine already!”

    Boosting local economy

    See: people like Donald Trump saying clean energy would help china and harm the American economy

    Investing in local and domestic research, education, and fabrication?

    See above.

    These people definitely want these things, they just don’t actually believe it will do anything in the first place to help with them, or simply aren’t aware that an issue exists at all because of the heavy pro-oil propaganda they’ve lapped up over the years.