
A seating chart for an “8 HOUR FLIGHT” with the text “PICK YOUR SEAT” at the top. The chart is composed of 10 numbered seats, each occupied by a different famous Republican politician or public figure, or the devil. Each number represents a seat, and each seat is either adjacent to or between one or two different individuals.

  • Heikki
    23 days ago

    Things to say: Seat 1: You failed your teachers. Everyone strives to be smarter, yet you keep running from it

    Seat 2: You paid 130k to sleep with some once once? Doesn’t sound like a great deal to me.

    Seat 3: Just end this entire plane and give “god” the credit.

    Seat 4: You know you’re a piece of shit.

    Seat 5: So… how fuckable are these cushions to you?

    Seat 6: You know you both are pieces of shit right!

    Seat 7: How were your nights in China/Chyna

    Seat 8: I asked if the lady next to the alleged molester is actually Candace Owen’s and not someone who looks like her and is being trafficked

    Seat 9: pull out bag of popcorn

    Seat 10: Why are you the way you are? Just why?