About 100 roles are reportedly impacted, including some engineers.

  • finley
    20 days ago

    That’s too bad. Both of those apps could be amazing with a little more thought and effort, esp the Books app. The News app is pretty great with its daily Apple News podcast tie-in (I’ve been listening for years, even through Shanita Bazu’s maternity leave) and their semi-weekly supplement podcast tie-ins, but its potential seems lost in its rather disorganized and haphazard approach. They try to be an alternative to NPR but don’t commit. It’s rather “Apple-y” it how it seems afraid to get more complex and defer to major publishers when it comes to content management. It’s extremely frustrating in how much better they could be if they would just do it goddamnit.

    Wrt Books, well, Apple seems to have given up on that long ago. It could have been a Kindle killer, but Apple just seemed to lose interest in perusing that dream as soon as it launched it. wtf?

    I’m glad Tim Cook took over after Jobs died, but it’s time for him to step aside. The man has no vision other than dollar signs, and Apple needs someone who can see past the bottom line to lead the company— and there are a lot of people under him who do.