We used to have earbuds that don’t need to be charged because they had a headphone jack, didn’t get lost so easily because they had a cord attached to a headphone jack, never lost the bluetooth connection because they had a headphone jack, and they cost less because they had a headphone jack. https://bsky.app/profile/daisyfm.bsky.social/post/3l3mfjc6sn62k

  • LarmyOfLone
    9 days ago

    Honestly the best would be “behind the head” earphones. No tangle. And then add like a few extra grams to include a portable music player and a small battery. Plus usb-c to transfer and recharge. Or plus bluetooth. Best of all worlds.

    But what I really want are big noise protection / noise cancelling headphones with an integrated mp3 + opus player plus bluetooth.