If we really thought about it, there will be a raising amount of people who don’t have a job and will not be able to get a job ever due to the decline in human labour needs, which lead to fewer jobs being offered globally which means that with fewer humans around there will be a higher chance for people to get a good job.
Humans consume resources, with less humans around there will be more resources for each humans and they will collectively consume less resources in total.
Population reduction is a problem for one reason, and that it’s a problem that capitalism can’t solve before populations revolt.
All economies, and every economic model is structured to do ONE thing and that is resource distribution. Money is the tool to grease the tracks, it makes the whole thing more efficient. If we are producing greater and greater levels of resources, but capitalism can’t get that spread out to the people who need it, then it’s clear as day capitalism has failed.
Like everything you’ve ever heard from a neoliberal; that line about capitalism being the greatest tool to to spread resources? Propaganda. It doesn’t pass the smell test. 2+2≠5. Being the most efficient system? Propaganda. The private insurance market, alone, demonstrates the exact opposite.
Corporatocracy demands growth at all costs, including human cost, including livability of societies, all will be sacrificed at the alter. Culture is lost, everything becomes the same repeating off ramps for 2000miles. And we’re told this is something to be proud of.
Why do we track income inequality? Because it’s a barometric pressure gauge on the middle class; when the middle class/petit bourgeoisie reaches boiling, the upper mid/lower upper - the voting class/bourgeois overthrows the ruling. Its the calling card of every revolution to ever have happened, anywhere, everywhere. We are in the midst of a changing of the guard now - hence the rise of fascism, funded by billionaires, who are scared of the peoples justice. Turns out, young people don’t like to pay their own way, pay for every minor aspect of raising children at a premium and then pay for their parents early retirements knowing they won’t get to retire, or buy a house, go in vacation, ever. All while being told everything is THEIR fault. You know what sounds better than being sacrificed at that alter? Killing everyone who has a hand in it. If your life is already _null, might as well take out those who decided that for you.
No one could’ve seen that coming
But there’s also another way forward, it’s just not promoted on the privately owned news, and that’s to get rid of rich people, manually distribute resources instead of relying on a mystical market to find a conscious. It’s absolutely bonkers to just have faith in a market. We have all this incredible tech and then when it comes to spreading it, maintaining it, or making society a better place to live, we abandon all that intelligence.