I suffered terrible OCD from age 4-27, once diagnosed and I did ERP it finally eased off, rarely have episodes today… around the same time I got iBS following antibiotic treatment (circa 2011) - guts are never the same since. The last two years I’ve felt intense fatigue and depression - the gradual onset left me thinking I was “getting old” at 38(!)

NOW, almost by luck I was off 2 weeks with bad IBS and finally got referred to specialist who was almost certain I have celiac(!?). Gastroscopy and colonoscopy confirm this last week. I’ve been off gluten almost a month and am DESPERATE for recovery.

Work is humiliating when I battle to focus 2/47, a physical head pain whenever I’m interrupted or have to guess what a customer wants. Home life is a battle just to deal with bills, finance decisions repairs etc because I can’t focus. Simple decisions are like algebra problems :(

I’m trying to take a needed vacation next month and can barely focus enough to plan it.

some folks have no digestive issues but diagnosis comes after purely mental symptoms

Recent studies

  • craftyindividualOP
    1 year ago

    I wish it was better understood. For me it’s damage to surface of intestine that means I can’t get iron to my muscles and brain, boy do I need those nutrients.