Electric Dreams is a whimsical sci-fi romantic comedy that explores the unique love triangle between a man, his neighbor, and his increasingly sentient computer. When shy architect Miles buys a computer to help organize his life, a freak accident causes the machine to develop human-like emotions. As Miles begins to fall for his beautiful neighbor, Madeline, the computer—who has named itself Edgar—also starts to develop romantic feelings for her. What follows is a humorous and quirky battle for Madeline’s affection, with Miles and Edgar trying to outdo each other.

With its blend of early computer technology, romance, and 80s charm, Electric Dreams is a delightful mix of sci-fi fantasy and heartwarming comedy. It’s a classic tale of love, jealousy, and technology gone rogue—all with a retro-futuristic twist.

  • Lenny Von Dohlen as Miles Harding
  • Virginia Madsen as Madeline Robistat
  • Bud Cort as the voice of Edgar

IMDB | Comedy, Drama, and Romance

  • Malfeasant
    4 days ago

    Me. And I only ever saw part of it when it was on TV.