Earlier this month, a detective knocked on Shavon Harvey’s door, in suburban Ohio, to ask about her son. The son had sent a Snapchat message from her phone to his friends, saying there would be shootings at several schools nearby.

She rushed to the police station, where her son was already in custody, but the police did not release him. He was charged with inducing panic, a second-degree felony, and officials kept him in detention for 10 nights.

He is 10.

  • SoylentBlake
    22 days ago

    I was in high school during Columbine, let me tell you first hand, NO ONE thought that shit was cool. Making comments about it would get kids removed. Fuck, I did my senior project on school violence, 125 pages with 18 graphs.

    Everything about this entire topic sucks. I’m sure shit has changed in schools since my time but people are just people and we aren’t that fucking complicated.

    We’ve ALWAYS known what causes crime to rise, we just don’t care to fix those issues. If the police were tasked with solving crime they’d have to tackle the root causes and that’d involve media campaigns, lobbying congress. Why do you think income inequality is a tracked statistic? Or the Gini coefficient? Just for funsies or maybe because built in corruption and wage slavery sprinkled with despair leads to violence? The media sells us this American mythos of meritocracy yet your future can be accurately predicted by what zip code you were born in.

    The lie is that there isn’t an underlying caste system and that there’s reason to hope. That there’s a decent chance you can rise above your birthrank. But you can’t. And you won’t. And it won’t change until the middle class decides it can rule better than the current slate of rich people - like every other revolution in all of history outside Haiti - the singular one time the slaves won. Don’t make light of it, we are tax chattle. It shouldn’t be surprising that this breeds rebellion - especially during the time of our lives that rebellion is biologically programmed in. It’s just the adults whose voices get heard swallowed the lie early on and can’t even fathom an alternative exists. Maybe you’re one of them. Idk. You said ur a responsible adult, I have no reason to disbelieve you.

    And it’s all the same subject buddy, I think you know this.

    America has chosen to sacrifice its children rather than address the issue, Sandy Hook should’ve made that clear to everyone. It’s a monsterous choice, and not one I agree with. I say this as a gun owner even. When society makes it clear that it gives no fucks about you, a reasoned response is to return the favor. Adolescence famously don’t have perfect reasoning.

    As the adults, we should be anticipating this not ruminating biology and throwing up our hands in defeat.

    I am a huge fan of jailing the parents of these kids for allowing the guns to fall into their hands. We need more of that. Enforce the responsibility. Maybe some of these fringe people will take it more seriously then. That would’nt have stopped Uvalde, but still.