I’m trying to think of ways to counter cheating through custom mods as I’ve seen used in other games I’ve played. Like changing wall textures to be transparent or invisible (easy; just don’t allow them to be modded) or player models with huge axis lines extending from them, so they clip through walls (where my question stems from).

I know I can check for custom model files being used and allow or deny connections, but if I still want players to be able to have custom shit, the next best solution I thought it was making it so a custom model still has to fit within a certain boundary of size, eliminating the huge axis lines and other fuckery cheaters might try. Is that even possible, though? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything actually do it.

I guess this would pertain mostly to the engine so let’s just say UE5 or Unity since those are most likely what I would use.

  • Julian
    2 years ago

    Theoretically it wouldn’t be that hard to do a basic bounding box check - just loop through each vertex and make sure it’s within the bonds.

    Of course players could still use a model that goes right up to that bounding box, so they might get a slight advantage, but if the collision stays the same it might not be that helpful.