The Supreme Court’s decision to not temporarily block an E.P.A. rule this week signals ‘rising influence’ of Justice Barrett, one analyst said.

  • BertramDitore
    12 hours ago

    These reporters jump at any opportunity to say the court or Barrett are ‘moderating’ or making rulings based on logic or common sense. It’s just not true. A couple of decisions that seem reasonable, against all the other ahistorical and politically-motivated rulings does not make the court reasonable or legitimate. Many of these ‘reasonable’ decisions are on cases that never should have been heard in the first place, or are just placeholders while the cases wind back through the courts and ultimately end up back at SCOTUS for their final judicially reprehensible decision that Barrett will inevitably join.

    Stop falling for this bullshit. The Supreme Court is made up of a majority of extremist partisan politicians. Even the ‘institution-loving balls and strikes’ Chief Justice Roberts has been exposed as a partisan hack in the bag for Trump.

    Barrett sounds reasonable, and might be slightly less insane than the other Republicans, but the bar is already so low that she should not get points for any of this. She still votes with the Republican majority on nearly all of their right-wing judicial activism.