Loud fucking people

Some people are just fucking loud. I’m sitting here in Starbucks and some jackass old man across the room is yapping so fucking loud. It’s as if he’s shouting and the entire fucking room can hear him yapping about some inane topic.

So loud people: are you oblivious to how loud and obnoxious you are? Do you just not give a shit?

I consider people who do this to be trashy, stupid, and obnoxious. Same category of people who FaceTime and watch YouTube and talk on their speakerphones in public places. I have contempt for every single one of you, and I will take every opportunity to be just as rude & inconsiderate to you as you are to everybody around you constantly.

  • Gerudo
    14 hours ago

    I feel you, but sometimes they just don’t know. My wife is LOUD. She has no idea how loud she is most times. We can be in the car together, and I have to tell her to quiet down because I will, and have gotten migraines from it lol.

    However, some people just don’t give a shit and are assholes about it too.