I mean seriously, whenever I look at other countries, I see men of shorter stature everywhere and they’re all successful individuals. In the US on the other hand, if you’re male, everyone expects you to be at least 6 feet tall, and treat you differently based on your height. Even the US government is like this, as they literally only elect presidents who are 6 feet and over, and refuse to elect politicians well under 6 feet, calling the heights of politicians under 6 feet “Loser heights”… The US shouldn’t be so idolized when even it’s own government approves of the way “short” men are treated! And if you’re going to tell deny this to me, then why hasn’t the US had any presidents as short as 5′7 in over a century??

Every time you turn on the TV on an American channel, the only men you see being featured in all American media are 6 feet and above. Usually whenever you see actors under 6 feet, they’re usually British, because American men are “supposed” to be “Tall”… Actresses in movies are usually around 5′7 and taller, and they’re always paired with actors 6 feet and over. Whenever you walk downtown in any city in the US, you’re walking past mannequins where the female mannequins are all like 5′10, and every male mannequin are like 6 feet and above. Apparently those mannequins represent how human beings are supposed to look… American women are “supposed” to be around 5′7 and 5′10, and American men are “supposed” to be 6 feet and over… And if you’re male, and people notice you’re shorter than those female mannequins, they’ll just look down on you. Men shorter than average get treated unfairly (Even by their own teachers when they were young), while “tall” men are treated like their height is a privilege…

In the US, if you’re 6 feet or over, everyone around you automatically assume you’re successful, rich, and a nice guy. But if you’re under 6 feet, everyone just assumes the opposite, and will look down on you. The US also has way too many wealthy young people, and of course the guys have to be 6 feet and over and the women need to look like models… Literally about every 6 foot guy you see have girlfriends or are married, and these women usually look like trophy girlfriends. While most men shorter than average you see in the US are single.

And don’t even get me started on the women here… The women in the US are the absolute worst and least feminine, as they only want “tall” guys, and are very slutty, constantly going to shallow clubs and parties. These women dress super slutty, and attend these shallow environments and swoon at men/guys 6 feet and over. And whenever a guy under 6 feet dares to say anything to them, they say “Ew! Fuck off loser!”… You women’s parents should be real proud. Women in the US are known for having the most beautiful and feminine faces, and with large breasts, wide hips, and thin waists, and are usually tall themselves, and they only want guys even taller than them… Los Angeles is easily the worst city in terms of this, the women there have all those features and wear revealing clothing. And they’re only interested in the 1% 6 foot tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white guy, with a face that looks like Jared Padalecki that’s impossible to achieve. Literally 90% of ads scattered throughout the US feature 6 foot tall men with faces that look very similar to his. American women since high school are constantly talking and thinking about ideal men, and they always have to be “Tall”. People claim that American women are known for being obese, NO, American women are known for being shallow and slutty. The vilification of American women shouldn’t be something you’ve never heard before, Information on American women being being undateable compared to foreign women is all over the web, and literally this is the only site where people disagree with this. Women are also overprotected in the US, and they use their privileges to their advantage in life. Whenever I see couples in the US where the girl is taller or the same height as her partner, they’re 90% of the time foreign couples.

Welcome to America…

  • Sundial
    15 hours ago

    This post reeks of incel mentality.