• dartanjinn
    1 year ago

    I laughed but yes, this is a good example on how the left CAN’T respond in any sensible manner and have to resort to contorting words and outright changing what’s said to even engage in the conversation. You know I’m right but you don’t want to admit it so you change what I said to use humor to rally those around you into blindly wielding pitchforks against logical thoughts. You people are pretty fucking sad.

    • sarsaparilyptus@discuss.online
      1 year ago

      No, you’re actually wrong. That’s the entire problem, and the reason people don’t engage with you. It’s like if someone on the left said “drum magazines bad because when you use an assault clip with a sawed-off military style shotgun it gives you so much more firepower that you can kill a whole room in one second”. Where do you even start with somebody when basically every single thing they say is just plain wrong? Then think about if this person was belligerent, deliberately confrontational, and kept using terms like “logic” to refer to histrionics and emotional arguments. You wouldn’t give them the time of day, because you know their head is way too far up their ass to ever consider manning up and accepting they have deeply held beliefs that were wrong all along. See where I’m going with this?