I didn’t see much info about it prior to watching, went with some friends. A large part of the movie is about his possible communist affiliations, and his defaming. It wasn’t insanely anti-communist, but it definitely operated under the assumption communism equals bad. Anyone else have some thoughts on it?

  • ratboy
    1 year ago

    I don’t think it operated under the assumption that communism is bad. You can’t have a movie about 19th century war/politics without there being politicians demonizing communism, and communists being ambiguous or completely scared at best of openly admitting their affiliations. It’s not realistic for a big Hollywood production to come right out with a big banner that says “CAPITALISM EVIL COMMUNISM GOOD” even if Nolan wanted to.

    Tbh a lot of criticisms that I’ve seen online feel like those making them haven’t even seen the film. Or they really lack nuance, idk.