The federal government is calling for input from grocers, food and beverage producers, provincial governments and the general population.

  • s_s
    1 year ago

    Remember when the pre-grated Parm cheese came in the paper cylinder with a paper top with a metal spout? Like salt still is sometimes?

    Remember when coffee beans came in paper bags and things like Oreos or keebler cookies came in corrogated paper sleeves with printed paper overwraps? Remember bread in paper bags? Why does gum now come in blow-molded cups?

    You can’t even find rolls of wax paper anymore! It’s not the .1 mil wrap on ground meat that’s the real problem.

    Taxes and regulations on the petrochemical companies are at all time lows and that lets the rest of these grocery companies get greedy and penny pinch their way to stockholder satisfaction and quarterly bonuses.

    You can complain about consumer-end plastic all you want but it won’t stop until you cut it off at the source. When you hear, “Drill baby drill!” they’re not doing it for just your car (which incedently is also a huge source of plastic waste.) Hydrocarbon conglomerates are the source of all this nonsense.

    But what are you going to do? 1. Be nice to your neighbors and Walk or ride your bike or 2. persecute minorities and immigrants and buy huge new SUVs every other year like the Tv tells you to?