What’s everybody playing at the moment?

My current Charname is a Bard using the Blade kit on BGEE iOS and I have to say I’m really enjoying him!

  • @Underwaterbob
    110 months ago

    Party is Kensai - Khalid - Jaheira - Imoen - Minsc - Dynaheir. I recently dropped Garrick for Minsc and Neera for Dynaheir. Wild Magic was entertaining, but was becoming a little too detrimental. While I was rescuing Dynaheir, Neera summoned a Nabassu that killed literally everyone. Shortly before that, she’d polymorphed herself into a squirrel. Great fun, but yeah, I had to reload each time. The number of potential PCs is getting to me. I’ve turned down so many, and they’re so cranky about it when you do. I forgot how many there were.

    I don’t know about the ‘Garden’, but as I need xp, I’ll probably Google that up.

    • The Wandering BardOP
      110 months ago

      Nice - cannon party. ☺️

      I don’t blame you for ditching Garrick, regular bards in BG are meh (unlike IWD where I think they’re great!).

      There is a plethora of potential companions - I’m deliberately trying ones this time I’ve not tried before (with the exception of Minsc because… well Minsc). Mine is Blade - Ajantis - Misnc - Yesslick - Alora - Neera (who also summoned a demon on me once but thankfully I was high enough level to kill it).

      The ‘Garden’ I mention is the area known as Mutamin’s Garden… lots of XP but big risk of instant death if you aren’t prepared (I can give a spoiler if you like).

      • @Underwaterbob
        210 months ago

        Seems like I’m at constant risk of instant death anyway. Might as well give it a shot.

          • @Underwaterbob
            29 months ago

            It kind of stalled as I pursue becoming Elden Lord. Elden Ring is a whole other kind of suffering. I’ll get back to BG eventually. I’m sure.

            • The Wandering BardOP
              19 months ago

              Haha easily done - better to get waylaid by another game that incurring restartitis which is a common problem I have with RPGs… ooh what about this class…

              • @Underwaterbob
                19 months ago

                Haha! Elden Ring doesn’t really have that problem. All the classes are essentially identical once you gain a few levels. It’s all about how you spec. And re-speccing is relatively easy compared to older Souls games.

        • The Wandering BardOP
          110 months ago

          All I’ll say is ‘protection from petrification’…

          • @Underwaterbob
            10 months ago

            That’s not ominous or anything.

            I went back into Nashkel mines today. I realized I still had somebody’s dagger. Oops!