I have both autism and ADHD, and I just feel pretty awful since I graduated college. I’m really low-functioning; most of the time, I can’t even get basic household tasks done, much less find a job. My funds are dwindling, and soon paying for HRT will be a challenge. I feel like it wasn’t this bad when I was younger; I’m now 21 and it’s starting to get unbearable. I cannot really get meds cause I don’t have insurance.

  • 108beadsM
    11 months ago

    There’s a pinned list of LGBTQ+ resources at the top of this sub; perhaps there are some starting points there that could help. I’m thinking not only with HRT, but also with finding a community for support and encouragement. They might also have opportunities to peer network, IRL or virtually. Yes, I know you’ve mentioned autism and ADHD, which make it difficult to reach out and find support—and I thank you for reaching out here. I suspect a Lemmy community, while we can send you our good wishes and occasionally useful suggestions, isn’t going to be specific enough to meet your needs.

    You mention you’ve graduated college—were there community resources at college you might use? If nothing else, colleges have a strong interest in seeing their graduates gainfully employed. If you’re feeling up to it, they might be able to offer suggestions on easing back into the job hunt. Or their alumni office may know of social activities that would help you get up and out for a while—again, if you’re feeling up to meeting and mingling.