• @atlasraven31
    09 months ago

    True, just clarifying the best case scenario. Did the Hawaiian people recently vote to leave the union that I am unaware of?

      • adroit balloon
        09 months ago

        in 1959, with a 93%+ majority:

        Hawaii—a U.S. territory since 1898—became the 50th state in August, 1959, following a referendum in Hawaii in which more than 93% of the voters approved the proposition that the territory should be admitted as a state.

        There were many Hawaiian petitions for statehood during the first half of the 20th century. The voters wished to participate directly in electing their own governor and to have a full voice in national debates and elections that affected their lives. The voters also felt that statehood was warranted because they had demonstrated their loyalty—no matter what their ethnic background—to the U.S. to the fullest extent during World War II.


        On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. The referendum asked voters to choose between accepting the Act and remaining a U.S. territory. The United Nations’ Special Committee on Decolonization later removed Hawaiʻi from its list of non-self-governing territories.


        • @WhatWouldKarlDo@lemmygrad.ml
          169 months ago

          I think it’s more than a little dishonest to say that the native Hawaiians voted for this. At the time of this referendum, they composed about 15% of the population and their culture and identity had been suppressed for generations.

          The US government even admitted in 1993 that the native people never agreed to this.

          • adroit balloon
            9 months ago

            I think it’s more than a little dishonest to say that the native Hawaiians voted for this.

            almost as dishonest as claiming is said something I didn’t and then moving the goalposts to win an argument…

            At the time of this referendum, they composed about 15% of the population and their culture and identity had been suppressed for generations.

            irrelevant. sad, but irrelevant. thy got to vote, just like anyone else, and, even by your numbers, 2/3 of THAT population voted for statehood.

            The US government even admitted in 1993 that the native people never agreed to this.

            that’s not what that says, but it’s nice to know how easy it is for you to lie to try to get ahead in an argument. “winning” online debates must be very important for you.

              • adroit balloon
                49 months ago

                Swarming lands with your settlers and then claiming b-but they muh voted for it, is peak lib cracker imperialism. The french did the same in New Caledonia.

                so, when you can’t argue with facts, you rest to redefining words, personal insults, and racist slurs.


                • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
                  59 months ago

                  I didn’t argue with you, I made clear statements about your nature and your character. Its up to you to change that and if you refuse, well thats just proves me right in the end.

                  • adroit balloon
                    49 months ago

                    I didn’t argue with you

                    yeah, that’s why I said “when you can’t argue…”

                    I made clear statements about your nature and your character

                    you had a tantrum and hurtled racist slurs and insults

                    well thats just proves me right in the end.

                    you’e right because you have racist tantrums and can’t make rational, fact-based arguments? interesting take…

          • adroit balloon
            9 months ago

            as you can clearly see,

            On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it.

              • adroit balloon
                9 months ago

                so, now you’re moving the goalposts because you didn’t like the answer…

                • @ExLisper@linux.community
                  -29 months ago

                  Check title of this post. Do you see the word “native” there? In the title of this post that we’re commenting in? “Native”? You see it?

                  • adroit balloon
                    39 months ago

                    I see the comment I replied to, the context and words used, and how it was changed to suit an argument once the facts became inconvenient.

                    perhaps you should pay closer attention to the conversation before you jump in unprepared.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  -49 months ago

                  The discussion is about US OCCUPYING Hawaii. Imagine thinking that a referendum of the occupiers on whether they want to keep occupying is a valid way to decide whether people who have bee OCCUPIED agree with the occupation. It’s like if I moved into your house and put a gun to your head, and then ran a referendum to see if I should stay there.

                  The fact that you don’t understand how idiotic your argument is shows what an utter imbecile you are.

                  • adroit balloon
                    9 months ago

                    The discussion is about US OCCUPYING Hawaii

                    WRONG. you changed the subject to a straw man argument when you couldn’t argue the facts in good faith. Right here:

                    going by your comment history, logical fallacies are something you’re an expert at wielding and often get comments removed and your account banned for it (and or your habit of throwing insult-ridden tantrums when your bad-faith tactics fail)

                    The fact that you don’t understand how idiotic your argument is shows what an utter imbecile you are.

                    oh, look, more childish name-calling because you can’t argue in good faith based on the facts, and I’m some idiot who will fall fr your little tricks.