Jimmy Dore welcome to the resistance.

Breaking news: NYT is more leftwing and factual than TrueAnon. Podcast enjoyers malding.

link to their site

  • LiberalSoCalist
    1 year ago

    Oh my fucking god these dweebs used scrorecards and wrote up a whole ass formula for this didn’t they.

    Okay so they dunk on both the Democrats and Republicans? +1 Left Bias, +1 Right Bias. Uh oh, they just used reasoning to make a conclusion instead of just “stating the facts” tsk tsk -1 Truthiness. If we divide the factual content density by the fallacy tendency coefficient, and take the derivative of the political bias slope…well obviously Trueanon is to the right of CNN and less factual than the NY Post!

    Dorks who are impressed by this shit are just Advanced Stats nerds except they’re using their vapid understanding of media criticism rather than sports to be smug about how smart and objective they are.